miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2008

The Earth Hour during IYOR 2008

ICRI Colombia during the International Year of the Reef, IYOR 2008 joined efforts with CORFERIAS and WWF Colombia, to enhance the participation of Colombians in the Hour of the Planet. This is a symbolic act held at the closing of the First International Environmental Fair (FIMA) that will be carried out between the 26 and the 29 of March, in Bogota.
Steps to follow: • Subscribe to http://www.earthhour.org/• Extinguished the lights between 8:00 and 9:00 p.m. (Colombian time), Saturday 29 of March, 2008• Adopting environmental friendly behaviors• Committing to reduce the consumption of energy in the daily life• Visiting http://www.earthhour.org/ , http://www.wwf.org.co/ and http://www.iyor.org/ to find out of what it can be made in the fight to diminish the climatic change phenomenon that affects the health of coral reefs. The individual actions have global consequences. More than 30 million people around the world will participate in the campaign, being united to a world-wide feeling of preoccupation and action to stop being part of the problems that cause the climate change and its effects on coral reefs.
Nohora Galvis
Focal Point Colombia, ICRI

IYOR Calendar by ICRI-Colombian Focal Point

Recycling operations have been enforced starting IYOR 2008 in the Capital City of Colombia. All the households, received environmental education through information in local newspapers, TV Channels and radio. Specifically, about why They should separate recyclable elements from non recyclable elements in the garbage and the local authorities have arranged collection of recyclable material. Information was sent to local newspapers about the negative impact on marine ecosystems with emphasis on coral reefs

In Bogota, the 7th of February was the celebration of the Day for Clean Air, or the Day without Cars. The Major of the Capital of the Colombian Republic ordered to keep the private cars in their respective parking area during the whole day to diminish the gases emissions and to present example that people can live without using their own car. Public transportation was available and people very receptive to the environmental campaign walked, used bicycles and even ride horses to arrive in their places of work and to visit other areas of the city.

The following translated page was sent as a call to enhance governmental involvement in the IYOR organization to the Office of Communications and the Department of Ecosystems within the Colombian Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development (MAVDT).http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=es&sl=en&u=http://www.iyor.org/&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3Diyor%26hl%3Des

INVEMAR was designated from the MAVDT as the official governmental institution encharged of the organization of IYOR 2008. As the main activity of ICRI is the involvement of the governments with Coral Reefs, this was a successful outcome of the conversations held between the ICRI focal point for Colombia, Nohora Galvis and the authorities of the MAVDT. Alberto Rodríguez Ramírez from the Program on Biodiversity and Marine Ecosystems was appointed as the IYOR focal Point for Colombia
ICRI Colombia se une durante el Año Internacional del Arrecife 2008, al llamado de CORFERIAS y WWF Colombia, para invitarlos a ser participes activos en La Hora del Planeta. Este es un acto simbólico al cierre de la Primera Feria Internacional del Medio Ambiente (FIMA), que se llevará a cabo entre el 26 y el 29 de marzo, en Bogotá. ¿Cómo usted puede participar en La Hora del Planeta?• Subscribiéndose a http://www.earthhour.org/• Apagado las luces entre 8:00 y 9:00 PM, el próximo sábado 29 de marzo de 2008• Cambiando sus comportamientos negativos en contra del medio ambiente (Ver archivo anexo). • Comprometiéndose a reducir el consumo de energía en la vida diaria• Visitando http://www.earthhour.org/ http://www.wwf.org.co/ y http://www.iyor.org/ para enterarse de qué puede hacer en la lucha contra el cambio climático fenómeno que afecta la salud de los arrecifes coralinos.¿Por qué usted debe participar?Las acciones individuales tienen consecuencias globales. Al vincularse a La Hora del Planeta,usted hará parte de las más de 30 millones de personas que, se estima, participarán en la campaña, uniéndose así a un sentimiento mundial de preocupación y acción frente al cambio climático y sus efectos contra los arrecifes coralinos.
Nohora Galvis
Punto Focal Colombia, ICRI