Florida’s coral reefs are experiencing a multi-year outbreak of coral disease. While disease outbreaks are not unprecedented, this event is unique due to the number of coral species affected across a large portion of the Florida Reef Tract, and the ongoing nature of the event. Loss of Coral tissue in the masive coral colonies.
The mysterious disease in Florida's dwindling reefs was found for the first time this week in the Lower Keys, scientists who've used epoxy band-aids, amputated sick coral and even set up underwater "fire breaks" in a four-year battle to contain the outbreak. Howeverm recent reports confirm Mexico, Jamaica and St Marteen as new areas with the disease.

Miami-Dade County also has a massive sewage outfall pipe nearby. It's not clear whether either triggered the disease, or contributed to the spread on already stressed coral that also endured back-to-back warm summers beginning in 2014. Source Miami Herald
La Fundaci[on ICRI Colombia reportara a observadores voluntarios de los #Arrecifes del #Caribe que esten a tentos por si observan este tipo de enfermedad y las condiciones que podrian explicar las causas. SIGUENOS