En reunión con consultores de Value4Chain, y CORRESPONSABLES,
la directora de la Fundaciòn ICRI Colombia en Pro de Los Arrecifes Coralinos,
Nohora Galvis, aportò sobre como las pequeñas y medianas empresas pueden ayudar
desde cualquier sitio del país a mejorar la efectividad del manejo de los
arrecifes coralinos. Se tuvo en cuenta los multicriterios sociales, económicos y
ambientales. Participaron empresas del sector minero y CORFERIAS, además de la
Segun the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI):
Di que te gusta https://www.facebook.com/ICRI.COLOMBIA
Segun the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI):
Civil society identifies sustainable development priorities
July 25, 2014 - Twenty-three leading
civil society organisations (CSOs) have identified
priorities for sustainable development in Trinidad and Tobago and
roles they can play in addressing these. Priorities focus on improving
health and education services, women's empowerment, more equitable and
green economic development, mitigating and adapting
to climate change, and conserving biodiversity and natural resources.
Economic growth was a
key area discussed. CSOs felt that the current economic model in
T&T is not sustainable as it is resulting in degradation of the
environment while not achieving adequate distribution
of economic benefits across the population. Diversification of our
economy is needed, building more on green economy principles of economic
development that are socially and environmentally responsible. The
question of how to measure growth in the economy
is fundamental to how development success is measured and to what extent
the fundamental pillars of sustainable development are integrated into
the development agenda in T&T.
Health priorities
included addressing Non-Communicable Diseases, reproductive
health and delivery of health services (including maternal health
services). The relationship between poverty and the number of children
borne by women is a specific issue that needs to be
Education priorities revolved around improving access to quality education, which has declined.
Gender priorities
included development of a national policy to address gender issues and
enhanced education and awareness. Despite the increasing role of women
in T&T, a key issue is for women to break current
barriers to reach top positions in public and private sectors.
Climate change mitigation was
seen as very weak in T&T, which is one of the top ten emitters
globally per capita. Strengthened action on mitigation is needed to
address this serious concern. Action needs
to address the issue of high subsidies for non-renewable energy (oil and
gas) as well as education for the public to encourage support for a
move towards more sustainable energy consumption nationally. At the
same time, continued focus on climate change adaptation
is needed, particularly building capacity and awareness for
community-based adaptation.
Environment and biodiversity priorities noted the need to protect natural resources
for delivery of ecosystem goods and services to support economic development. CSOs felt that oil spill issues need to be addressed more proactively through enforcement and implementation of existing policies,
and less through crisis management.
Sustainable tourism
discussions focused on community tourism.
draft community tourism policy needs to be finalised to include
mechanisms to enable ownership and access to resources by local
communities as well as to provide clear
standards for what can be branded as 'eco' tourism. Capacity building
is needed for state agencies, the private sector, CSOs and communities.
Rural tourism business need to be made more attractive for community
residents so that communities can be the main
supply point for services and partners in sustainable tourism efforts.
These priorities were
identified at a meeting of the CSOs held on Friday 18 July 2014
facilitated by the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) in
collaboration with the Global Environment Facility Small Grants
Programme (GEF SGP) – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) office
in Trinidad. The objective of this consultation was to facilitate the
development of a strong and coherent civil society position on
sustainable development priorities for Trinidad and
This will be presented to
the Government of Trinidad and Tobago for consideration in development
of the national position for the upcoming Third International Conference
on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in
September in Samoa and the United Nations process to develop a set of
post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs will replace
the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as the overarching global
development framework. These two global processes
will provide an important framework for sustainable development in
Trinidad and Tobago and the Government will be presenting a national
position as input in these processes.
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